تقرير فني

Benchmarking the Financial Sector in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries and Projecting 2030 Financial Sector Scenarios

This paper aims at devising scenarios for the development of the financial system in the southern and eastern Mediterranean countries (SEMCs), for the 2030 horizon. The results of the simulations indicate that bank credit to the private sector, meta-efficiency and stock market turnover could reach at best 108%, 78% and 121%, respectively, if the SEMCs adopt the best practices in Europe. These scenarios are much higher than those of the present levels in the region but still lower than the best performers in Europe.

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MEDPRO TR No 31 WP6 Ayadi.pdf‏374.6 ك.بايت1176منذ سنة واحدة 48 أسبوعا
تاريخ المطبوعة: 
Fri, 22/03/2013
المؤلف (المؤلفون): 
Rym Ayadi, Emrah Arbak, Sami Ben-Naceur, Willem Pieter De Groen
المؤسسة: CEPS, FEMISE

Carbon Market Opportunities in Southern Mediterranean Countries

To date, Southern Mediterranean countries have hosted a limited number of projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). There are three challenges to the participation of middle income countries in future carbon markets: the limited size of future demand for offsets or credits; restrictions on the use of CDM credits in Phase III of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme; and the lack of prompt preparation for the start of new market-based mechanisms. This study examines existing and emerging activities in Southern Mediterranean countries that could fit into new market based mechanisms.

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MEDPRO TR No 8 WP4b Fujiwara et al.pdf‏816.39 ك.بايت1538منذ 31 أسبوعا يومين
تاريخ المطبوعة: 
Mon, 19/03/2012
المؤلف (المؤلفون): 
Noriko Fujiwara, Monica Alessi and Anton Georgiev
المؤسسة: CEPS

Energy Efficiency: Trends and Perspectives in the Southern Mediterranean

This paper has two objectives. First, it attempts to establish the potential of policies on energy efficiency and energy demand-side management in the southern Mediterranean region. Second, by examining past trends in energy intensity and trends up to 2030, it analyses the prospects and costs of such policies, compared with expected developments in the price of energy resources.

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MEDPRO TR No 21 WP4b Blanc.pdf‏602.17 ك.بايت1295منذ 31 أسبوعا 3 أيام
تاريخ المطبوعة: 
Thu, 13/12/2012
المؤلف (المؤلفون): 
Frédéric Blanc
المؤسسة: FEMISE

The Relationship between Energy and Socio-Economic Development in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean

This report aims to identify, explain and detail the links and interactions in Southern Mediterranean Countries (SMCs) between energy supply and demand and socio-economic development, as well as the potential role of energy supply and demand policies on both. Another related aim is to identify and analyse, in a quantitative and qualitative way, the changing role of energy (both demand and supply) in southern Mediterranean economies, focusing on its positive and negative impact on socio-economic development.

This report investigates:

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MEDPRO TR No 27 WP4b Bergasse.pdf‏931.97 ك.بايت5133منذ 31 أسبوعا 18 ساعة
تاريخ المطبوعة: 
Thu, 07/02/2013
المؤلف (المؤلفون): 
Emanuel Bergasse, Wojciech Paczynski, Marek Dabrowski, Luc Dewulf
المؤسسة: CASE

Economic and climate change pressures on biodiversity in southern Mediterranean coastal areas

This paper establishes and measures key biodiversity and ecosystem health indicators and the number of world heritage sites in coastal areas at global level. It then estimates – econometrically – the indicators’ influence on the provision of tourism values through the marine ecosystem function as a harbour of biodiversity, and as a provider of amenity values and marine cultural identity. The report then focuses on the MEDPRO region, providing some estimates of the potential impact of climate change on these services for a given temperature increase scenario.

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MEDPRO TR No 24 WP4a Bosello.pdf‏502.2 ك.بايت1783منذ 25 أسبوعا يومين
تاريخ المطبوعة: 
Tue, 05/02/2013
المؤلف (المؤلفون): 
Laura Onofri , Paulo A.L.D. Nunes , Francesco Bosello
المؤسسة: FEEM

Access by MSMEs to Finance in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean: What role for credit guarantee schemes?

Micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean suffer from credit constraints. Given their contribution to employment and growth, similarly as in other regions, policy-makers have developed credit guarantee schemes (CGSs) in order to facilitate small companies’ access to debt capital. CGSs are risk-sharing mechanisms under which a guarantor ensures the lender against a share of the possible losses it incurs when extending a loan.

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MEDPRO TR No 35 WP6 Ayadi.pdf‏2.13 م.بايت2263منذ 32 أسبوعا يومين
تاريخ المطبوعة: 
Tue, 30/04/2013
المؤلف (المؤلفون): 
Rym Ayadi, Salim Gadi
المؤسسة: CEPS

The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and Development Assistance: Past Trends and Future Scenarios

The 2011 uprisings in the southern and eastern Mediterranean have put the region at the forefront of current policy developments, calling into question the future of their domestic political systems and the future of the EU partnership with its Southern Neighbourhood. Against this backdrop, this paper analyses and assesses the EU’s development assistance to the region since 1995 and provides insights into the future of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.

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MEDPRO TR No 32 WP9 Ayadi.pdf‏2.98 م.بايت1340منذ سنة واحدة 48 أسبوعا
تاريخ المطبوعة: 
Tue, 09/04/2013
المؤلف (المؤلفون): 
Rym Ayadi, Salim Gadi
المؤسسة: CEPS

Dynamics of Bank Efficiency in the EU and Southern Mediterranean: Is there a convergence?

Against a background of decades of regulatory reforms aimed at fostering integration, promoting competition, efficiency and productivity growth in the financial industry, both in developed and developing countries, in this MEDPRO Technical Report the authors seek to assess the outcomes of these reform processes on the dynamics of bank efficiency – via the estimation of stochastic meta-frontiers – and convergence for a large sample of countries over the period 1997-2010.

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MEDPRO TR No 33 WP6 Casu.pdf‏564.37 ك.بايت1202منذ سنة واحدة 48 أسبوعا
تاريخ المطبوعة: 
Tue, 19/03/2013
المؤلف (المؤلفون): 
Barbara Casu and Alessandra Ferrari
المؤسسة: CEPS

Convergence and Integration of Banking Sector Regulations in the Euro-Mediterranean area

This analysis of regulatory convergence shows that substantial improvements have been made in the southern and eastern Mediterranean countries (SEMCs), yet they still suffer from key weaknesses in deposit insurance, entry obstacles, political interference and the strength of legal rights. In particular, deposit insurance systems in many SEMCs are not explicit, which could lead to uncertainties in the provision of support to banks in case of default.

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MEDPRO TR No 34 WP6 Ayadi.pdf‏384.88 ك.بايت1224منذ 30 أسبوعا 6 أيام
تاريخ المطبوعة: 
Tue, 19/03/2013
المؤلف (المؤلفون): 
Rym Ayadi, Emrah Arbak and Willem Pieter De Groen
المؤسسة: CEPS

Assessment of Socio-Economic and Climate Change Effects on Water Resources and Agriculture in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries

This study aims at assessing the socio-economic and environmental effects of different societal and human development scenarios and climate change in the water-scarce southern and eastern Mediterranean. The study develops a two-stage modelling methodology that includes an econometric analysis for the southern and eastern Mediterranean region as a whole and a detailed, integrated socio-ecological assessment focusing on Jordan, Syria and Morocco. The results show that water resources will be under increasing stress in future years.

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MEDPRO TR No 28 WP4a Varela.pdf‏3.84 م.بايت1674منذ 4 أسابيع 6 أيام
تاريخ المطبوعة: 
Thu, 21/03/2013
المؤلف (المؤلفون): 
Consuelo Varela-Ortega, Paloma Esteve, Irene Blanco, Gema Carmona, Jorge Ruiz and Tamara Rabah
المؤسسة: UPM