Energy and climate change mitigation (Work Package 4b)

Socio-economic development is also driven by the availability of energy, which is a crucial input and accounts for a significant share of several Mediterranean countries export revenues. The Mediterranean countries and in particular Algeria and Libya, are already among the EU’s energy suppliers, and in the foreseeable future, their role is expected to increase. The shift to a low-carbon economy can translate into losses in oil and gas revenues while at the same time promoting the development of renewable energy sources, such as solar energy. Moreover, demographic pressures and increased economic activity will translate into a rising demand for electricity thus creating challenges in terms of supply and climate warming mitigation. In order to give practical insights into the options available for policymakers, this work package will undertake four tasks:

  • a critical assessment of oil reserves, resources, and infrastructures taking into account the transit role of the region;
  • an assessment regarding the scope for enhancing the region’s contribution to the mitigation of global warming through the development of renewable energy sources and energy saving strategies and investments;
  • an exploration of several energy supply and demand scenarios and their respective socio-economic and environmental implications; and,
  • an exploration of different policy scenarios for closer cooperation between the EU and the Mediterranean countries in order to increase mutually beneficial energy exchanges and to embark the region on sustainable energy development paths.

The analysis undertaken in this work package will be closely related to demography and ageing (work package 3). Changes in demography will translate into changes in energy demand through both direct and indirect channels. For example, an increase in population will translate into an increase in the demand for energy and water, thus calling for different strategies to preserve both water resources and agricultural production while at the same time protecting local environments .

The work package 4b, is led by Dr. Manfred Hafner from FEEM.